
Fall 2021 Subject notes are notes for specific course subject codes or global notes. 这些笔记确定了课程的一般提醒.


  • CCS Chicana和Chicano研究
    CCS 10A第02节到第05节和第07节到第10节是小组教学. 学生将被评分 并由两位导师进行评估.  

    CCS 7/KIN 7将侧重于技术,基本步法和曲目. 对于那些 would like to be on a faster learning track, CCS 180 sec 02 (class number 45883) will 扩展第一个小时的曲目. 这是一项独立研究 这门课的重点是高级技术 & repertoire. 两个班都回到了上课地点 每周一和周三晚上6点到8点在spe178播出. 注册CCS/KIN的学生 7 and/or CCS 180 sec 02 will be expected to purchase dance shoes and a practice skirt for faldeo(skirt work); both will be needed by week 3.

  • CHAD Child & 青少年发展
    The ChAD practica, ChAD 158, 159, and 160 are only open to ChAD majors who will be seniors. 在第一次班会之前,ChAD 160的学生必须出示阴性证明 TB test that is less than one year old; proof of a current influenza vaccination (fall semester only); and proof of pertussis and measles vaccinations (DtAP & MMR). For each of these practica, Live San fingerprinting clearance is required, please check the 乍得的网站 for details.

  • 中国的下巴 
    中国1A、中国1B、中国25A或中国25B满足GE C2. 根据部门 根据规定,以母语为母语的人不允许参加中国1A和中国1B考试. 的建议 contact Dr. 春晖彭, chunhui.peng@laimapiano.com.

  • 计算机工程
    For both CMPE 195A section 01 and CMPE 195F section 01 students must meet one of the 注册的条件如下:
    1. 在2014年秋季或之前遵循目录
    2. 跟随最近的目录,是2014年秋季或以后,但想采取一个 3 units area S and a 3 unit area V course to fulfill your GE area S and V requirement.

      For both CMPE 195A section 02 and CMPE 195B section 03, you should register for this 部分,如果您正在关注2014年秋季或之后的最新目录,那么您可以 will take the following course combination, CMPE 195A/CMPE 195B/ENGR 195A/ ENGR 195B, 以满足您的通用电气区域Sand V要求.

  • 环境研究
    If your class location says WSQGRDN, your class will be located in the Environmental 研究花园. 请与 环境研究学系 欲知详情.

  • 逃离外语教育
    FORL 100W满足菠菜网lol正规平台研究区域Z的书面交流要求. 先决条件: engl001和engl002成绩C或以上或同等水平,通过考试 Writing Skills Test (WST), or successful completion of LLD/ENGL 096S, Completion of 核心GE要求,高年级成绩(至少完成56个单元). For more 咨询电话:408-924-4617或 anna.iacomini-bernardi@laimapiano.com.

    FLED 380, The Methods of Foreign Language course, provides foreign language credential candidates with a background in second language acquisition theory, knowledge of current methodologies, and strategies for lesson planning and instruction in the target language. 逃亡380只在秋季学期提供.

    As a companion to the Phase II/III student teaching experience in the Single Subject 法语,德语,日语,普通话或西班牙语的证书课程,逃离285是 a seminar that provides teacher candidates support for their student teaching Phase II/III和加州教学绩效评估(CalTPA). 先决条件: EDSC 184X. 必备条件:逃离184Y/逃离184Z.

    有关这些课程的更多信息,请联系教授. 安妮·詹森,408-924-4628 or anne.jensen@laimapiano.com. 学生必须在上课的第一周之前获得添加代码.

  • 外语
    FORL 200 Research Projects in Cultural Studies and Languages building on and enhancing 学术研究和写作技巧开始于100年代. 满足研究生写作 requirement (GWAR) + gives 4 units toward Spanish Graduate program (requirement for 所有西班牙研究生). 英语或西班牙语授课和书面作业. 欲了解更多信息,请联系博士. Bacich at damian.bacich@laimapiano.com.

  • FREN French
    FREN 1A, 1B可用于核心GE (C2)学分. FREN 1A可以在课堂上进行 (第01条)或完全在线(第80条) & 99). 欲了解更多信息, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@laimapiano.com.

    FREN 1B can be taken either in class (Section 01) or as a hybrid first-year, second-semester 法语基础课程(第80节). 作业和测试是在线完成的 每周一小时的课堂会议在W, 1700-1800. FREN 1B也可以完全服用 网上(第99条). 时间冲突备忘录可以发给想要参加的学生 FREN 1A or 1B online or any other French online course but who have a time conflict 另一个班级. 欲了解更多信息,请 Jean-Luc.Desalvo@laimapiano.com.

    FREN 25A语法复习和阅读可用于核心GE (C2)学分. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@laimapiano.com.

    Students needing to take FREN 25C, FREN 101B, or FREN 101C or other advanced French 课程请联系Jean-Luc. Desalvo@laimapiano.com.

    FREN 102B is a completely online 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies, Area V class in English with an online 定位会议. 欲了解更多信息, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@laimapiano.com.

    FREN 132 Business and Professional Communication: develop intercultural competence 以及在工作场所的口头和书面沟通. 欲了解更多信息, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@laimapiano.com.

    FREN 170专业翻译入门分为每周模块, 每个涵盖一个主要领域的专业翻译(如.g. 医学、法律、旅游). 新课程提供完全在线每周Zoom会议. 欲了解更多信息, Francoise.Herrmann@laimapiano.com.

  • 地理地理
    GEOG 124将偶尔在经批准的校园地点举行会议,以学习如何使用 驾驶无人机. 教师将在教学大纲中公布户外上课日期 在上课的第一天提供.

  • GERM German
    胚芽1A和胚芽25A满足核心GE区C2. 胚芽1A和胚芽1B是基本的 为想要学习德语的学生提供的水平课程. 课程旨在介绍 向学习者传授基本的德语语法,使学生能够熟练掌握 conduct all-day-life conversations, read simple texts and write short paragraphs on 第一年学习的主题.

    GERM 25A和GERM 25B是中级水平课程. 课程目标 are to go in depth into the grammar and syntax concepts as well as to perform more advanced conversations, read more complex texts and write more about topics and culture 第二年学习. 课程满足C2领域的GE要求. Contact larissa.chiriaeva@laimapiano.com 有问题的.

  • HEBR Hebrew
    For 信息, please contact the Department of World Languages and Literatures: world-languages@laimapiano.com.

  • 信息信息
    Please check the School of Information schedules for specific class details such as  可变单元课程的具体日期,缩放课程等. - see the iSchool时间表.

  • ITAL Italian
    ITAL 1A and ITAL 1B are the beginning levels courses for students who wish to learn Italian. ITAL 1A将于2021年秋季提供,ITAL 1B将于2022年春季提供. Course objectives are to introduce the students to the fundamentals of Italian grammar so that after one year of study the student will be able to translate and engage in 节选自意大利歌曲或歌剧的文本,而不是文学作品或报纸, 只有一本语法和字典作为辅助工具. Contact michele.santamaria@laimapiano.com 有问题的.

  • 日本日本
    JPN 1A, JPN 1B, JPN 25A, or JPN 25B (up to two of these courses) may be used for GE 信贷(C2区). JPN 102A第01节仅适用于JPN主修和副修. JPN 102B 可用于上海大学的研究(第五区). 详情请联系Dr. Kodama-Yanai电话:408-924-4603 or yasue.yanai@laimapiano.com, or Dr. Uryu电话:408-924-4613或 michiko.uryu@laimapiano.com.

  • 通过显微镜微生物学
    注册MICR 141L的学生必须同时注册MICR 141.

  • 物理物理
    所有实验室部分将于2021年8月19日开始. 不去学校上课的学生 第一次实验会议,在课程开始的30分钟内,可以取消.

  • 港口葡萄牙
    端口1A和端口1B可以用于GE C2学分. 学生对个性化感兴趣 program of study for PORT 001X/Y and PORT 020X/Y must contact 老师 on the cl412j课程的第一周,电话:408-924-4022.pinheiro@laimapiano.com.  Entry into intermediate studies 20A/X requires the equivalent of 001B/Y or permission of 老师.

    PORT 102A: Portuguese Culture and PORT102B: Brazilian culture, are taught in English. 口试期中考将在校内进行. Contact duarte.pinheiro@laimapiano.com.

  • RTVF Radio-Television-Film
    All RTVF classes will primarily meet online, except RTVF 21 and RTVF 121 which will 有一些指定的校内会议吗. 课程要坚持亲自开会 安全的社交距离和安全要求. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑 有关我们的课程/作品,请发电子邮件 filmandtheatre@laimapiano.com.

  • 俄国的俄国
    RUSS 1A and RUSS 1B are the Elementary Level courses for students who wants to learn 学习俄语,了解俄罗斯文化. 课程符合GE要求 在C2地区,RUSS 1A通常在秋季开设,RUSS 1b在春季开设. The courses cover Cyrillic script and cursive, pronunciation, simple grammar and sentence structure. 学生将通过不同的语言探索俄语的不同方面 activities such as listening and reading comprehension, writing short essays and carry 关于简单的对话. 到学期结束时,学生将获得一定的能力 in all four language skills such as listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and 能写作,并能在许多日常语言环境中发挥作用. For 咨询请联系博士. 拉里萨Chiriaeva larissa.chiriaeva@laimapiano.com.

  • 跨度西班牙
    SPAN 4A和4B是完全在线自学的西班牙语基础课程. For 信息, world-languages@laimapiano.com.  

    SPAN 1A, SPAN 1B, SPAN 20A, SPAN 25A, or SPAN 25B (up to two of these courses) can 用于满足C2区域低分区GE要求. (学生应该参加 self-placement quiz offered at the Carmen Sigler Media Center in Clark Hall to determine 在一年级和二年级的西班牙语课程中适当的安排. 咨询电话:408-924-4696).

    SPAN 102B章节01 & 02 are taught in Spanish; Section 03 is in English. Students 主修和辅修西班牙语课程的学生必须参加西班牙语课程. All SPAN 102B部分可用于菠菜网lol正规平台研究区域V GE学分. 学生注册 for SPAN 102B requires a passing score on the WST or successful completion of ENGL 100A或lld100a. 西班牙语专业和未成年人必须参加西班牙语102B课程. SPAN 132节 10 taught online are only open to students in the Graduate Program in Library Science. They require consent for the School of Information (formerly SLIS) for registration 不开放给富国学生.

    SPAN 201:现代西班牙语:西班牙语语言学入门. 了解更多信息 contact Dr. Long at avizia.long@laimapiano.com.

    SPAN 202: Seminar in Hispanic Civilization and Culture: "Mujeres en Acción: Soldaderas 女权主义者在美国通过España”. 欲了解更多信息,请联系博士. 费尔南德斯在 vanessa.fernandez@laimapiano.com.

  • 戏剧艺术

    For TA 117, students may enroll in their respective section after they audition in-person 他们在各自的剧中扮演角色. ta117第1节,是关于Marisol的 by Jose Rivera; students will rehearse on campus in the University Theatre and perform LIVE at the 锤剧院 on 11/12/21, 11/13/21, 11/17/21, 11/18/21, 11/19/21, and 11/20/21. ta117第2节,是为制作“圆镜变换”而制作的 Annie Baker; students will rehearse and perform on campus in the Hal Todd (HGH 103); 演出日期为12/2/21至12/4/21. ta117开放给 All Majors 仅限试镜.

    TA 191 will be taught as a hybrid course offering on-campus and remote work options 为所需的实习时间,并提供灵活的时间和工作区域. 

  • TAG Tagaloc
    如需咨询,请联系伊迪丝·波本 edith.borbon@laimapiano.com.

  • 科技技术

  • 城市规划
    URBP 260第01部分的课程主题是气候行动规划.

  • 越南Vietnamiese
    VIET 1A, VIET 1B可用于GE学分(区域C2). 将提供越区1A和越区1B 分别在秋天和春天. VIET 1B要求相当于VIET 1A或 老师的许可. 这两门课程都是混合课程,每周授课三小时 在每周二15:00-17:45举行会议,并通过Canvas网站在线参加一小时会议. The course emphasis is on reading, writing, and conversation in the context of culture. 咨询菠菜网lol正规平台 huyen.le@laimapiano.com.